Meet Emmanuel.

Meet Emmanuel. A 32 year old husband to a beautiful wife and an exceptional father to two children, aged 2 and 7. He enjoys cooking, listening to music and family walks in the park with his children, taking in the fresh air and humming to the sound of the birds singing. A graduate of physics … More Meet Emmanuel.

Alex O’Byrne-Lynch: Teaching the Holocaust to Students with EAL (English as an Additional Language): Challenges versus Opportunity

Alex O’Byrne-Lynch: Teaching the Holocaust to Students with EAL (English as an Additional Language): Challenges versus Opportunity — Read on I’m helping out on a project called Culture As Testimony with some history teachers and academics. I published an article on their blog about some of the challenges of teaching the Holocaust to … More Alex O’Byrne-Lynch: Teaching the Holocaust to Students with EAL (English as an Additional Language): Challenges versus Opportunity

Mass Shootings in America: The perspective of a High School Social Studies Class

Recently I had the pleasure of visiting the University of Connecticut to work alongside the Social Studies trainee teachers, who are part of the NEAG School of Education. (Social Studies in America is an effective cross-curricular subject, combining Geography, History, Economics and Civics which draws in some English literature and bravely tackles pertinent topics such … More Mass Shootings in America: The perspective of a High School Social Studies Class

Education versus Immigration: A Teacher’s Story

“Immigration into Britain overwhelms the British education system”, Or: “Britain’s educational system is inadequate in dealing with immigration into Britain”. Which is it? The first three months into a PGCE (Post-Graduate Certificate in Education) are tough. The workload is unsociable, you think about ‘subject knowledge’ as a collection of abstract and unmemorable facts, and you … More Education versus Immigration: A Teacher’s Story

Burkini Ban: Nice

In Europe, the nation of France has suffered and been victimised more than most by the extremities of the Islamic faith. The attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in January 2015, the systematic murdering of Parisians in November of the same year and the most recent ‘truck ramming’ in Nice on Bastille Day are three horrific moments … More Burkini Ban: Nice

Trump: The anti-Islamic Messiah

What do we make of Trump’s comments today to ban ALL Muslims entering the U.S? Does it legitimise Islamaphobia? Is it even ‘un-American’? This isn’t the first time Trump has caused controversy, but it is the first time his comments have made the headlines on the BBC home-pages. Those advocating Trump for Republican leader have dismissively said his … More Trump: The anti-Islamic Messiah